Healthcare Rebates

Take your health and wellness business to the next level.


It's never been easier to run your own health and wellness business

The Ultra Lite healthy eating program is approved by the private health funds listed below, and you may be entitled to claim a refund. Refunds are subject to change, so please consult your private health fund regarding eligibility and appropriate cover required for claims.

Are you ready to become an Ultra Lite Practitioner?

Looking to upskill in one of the world's largest growth sectors and become a trained weight loss professional, or you're a current health practitioner looking to expand and attract more clients, while adding more value to your current clients.

Enquire Now

Australian Unity

Australian Unity will provide its members with:

  • $100 for signing up to Ultra Lite
  • $100 once the member has achieved their goal weight
  • $150 for staying within 5kg of their goal weight for 12 months or more.


Bupa will cover the consultation fee associated with the Ultra Lite Program when a Bupa member makes a claim in association with their Health Management Program.

CBHS (Commonwealth Bank Health Society)

CBHS provides their members with a % off the total Ultra Lite program fee, after they make a claim online.

CUA Health

CUA Health will provide members with a max of $100 Per annum for a single membership or $200 per annum for a Family membership for approved health management programs. CUA will make a payment to its members for the program and consultant fees only, not any products itself.

HCI (Health Care Insurance Limited)

Health Care Insurance (HCI) will pay $50 per person per year for the cost of the weight loss program.

Health Partners

Health Partners will provide members with a $50 pay out when they initially sign up to the Ultra Lite program, then an additional $100 pay out when their goal weight is achieved. The maximum available to members is a total of $150 for the Ultra Lite program.

Nib Health Fund

nib members can claim the consultation portion of the Ultra Lite program

St Lukes Health

St Lukes Health will provide up to a maximum rebate of $150 for a single policy or $300 for a couples or family policy for weight management programs.

Teachers Union Health Fund

The Teacher’s Union Health Fund cover weight management programs under the “Health Management Program”, which must be approved by the member’s medical practitioner. Members must meet certain criteria to qualify and should contact Teachers Union Health Fund to establish eligibility.